My Portfolio

Chris Briant - Developer


  • Django Development
  • Android Mobile Apps
  • React Development
  • Web Scraping
  • REST API Development
  • Static Web Sites
Portrait of Chris Briant

Chris Briant

Bringing your digital vision to life.

Hi, my name is Chris Briant, and I'm a freelance web developer with a passion for creating innovative digital experiences. My skills are broad, and I specialise in Django, React, JavaScript, Python, Flutter, Dart, Identity and Access Management, and Graphic Design.

I'm not just a tech whiz, though. I love to travel and stay active, whether it's through hiking or exercising. I also enjoy strategy games and can't resist a good board game challenge. My interests extend beyond just web development, and I have a keen fascination with AI and its potential to revolutionise the world we live in.

With my unique blend of technical expertise, creative flair, and diverse interests, I'm confident that I can help bring your digital vision to life. Whether you need help with web development, Identity and Access Management, or any other related services, I have the skills and passion to deliver results that will exceed your expectations.


  • Python Programming
  • Flask, Django, FAST API
  • JavaScript Programming
  • React, Svelte, Vanilla JavaScript
  • Mobile App Development
  • Android Studio, Flutter
  • Cloud Computing
  • Linode, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, infrastructure
  • Operating Systems, Linux, Windows, Windows Server, AppleMAC


I offer the following pricing models. Pricing depends on complexity of the project, please contact me for a quote.

Basic Static Site

Starting from:


This is a static site with no dynamic content, only web pages with graphic design.

Python, JavaScript, PowerShell - Scripting

Starting from:


Development of a script to perform a single function written in any of the languages above. This can be anything from web scraping to vanilla JavaScript for a webpage.

Web Application Including Database Backend

Starting from:


This is more involved than a static website and will include a backend with database and dynamic content.

This can be developed using Flask, Django, React with REST API.

This can include a fully fledged authentication system, Oauth integration, database and supporting infrastructure. Pricing depends on complexity.

Mobile App Development

Starting from:


I will develop an Android / IOS app using the Flutter Framework.

Pricing depends on the complexity, if it connects to a backend, the functionality required, etc.

I can assist with the publishing of the app to the app store.

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I have extensive experience developing web apps using the Django Framework. I use Django to create both web applications and REST APIs.

Django is a tool that helps developers build web applications faster and more efficiently. It's written in Python and has features like an Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) for working with databases, a templating system for creating HTML templates, and a built-in admin interface for managing data.

Using Django can save developers time and effort in building web applications. Its security features protect against common attacks like CSRF and XSS. Overall, Django is a popular choice for web developers looking for a powerful and easy-to-use framework.

Here are some Django projects I have made

Homely Haven

Homely Haven Logo

This is an example of a website for a real estate agency. The site has an authentication and registration which allows signed in users to book a viewing of the property.

Visit Homely Haven

Big Hill - Fish Bar

Big Hill Fish Bar Logo

This is an example of an e-commerce site for a takeaway food business. It allows people to select items from a menu and place orders.

The site is set up to handle payments using stripe.

Visit Big Hill - Fish Bar


I am skilled in developing front-end web applications using the React framework.

React is a popular JavaScript framework that developers use to build interfaces for web applications. React is widely used because it is efficient and flexible making it a popular choice for both small and large web development projects.

Here are some React projects I have made

Cocktail Party

Cocktail Logo

This is an example of a calculator app where a user can select cocktails that they want to make at a party and it will work out the amount of ingredients needed. The user can then generate and download a PDF which shows the recipes.

This uses FastAPI as it's backend with a simple SQLLite database. The PDFs are stored in S3 storage.

Visit Cocktails

Tarot AI

Tarot Logo

This is a web application which will give a tarot reading to the user. The tarot reading is AI based, using a Django REST API backend which selects three random cards and then makes a call to OpenAI to generate the reading.

Visit Tarot AI

Cat Cafe

Cat Cafe Logo

This is for a cat cafe which demonstrates a booking system with a Django REST Framework backend.

Visit Catcafe


Daterados Logo

This is a web application for speed dating which allows people to book events. It utilises a payment gateway using Stripe to handle credit card payments for the events.

Visit Daterados


Daterados Logo

This is a game developed using the React framework which allows people to select tiles in a grid within a certain time frame to match the images. The user wins when all tiles are matched.

Visit Memory

Android Apps

I develop apps for mobile devices and have experience with Android Studio and Flutter.

My Google Play page is located here.

Here are some examples of apps I have developed.

Warm Space

Warm Space Logo

This is an app which is used to locate places in the location where you can stay for some time in the warmth. It's helpful for people who are struggling with the energy bills in the winter.

I developed the app in Flutter, it connects to a REST API written in Django which has endpoints to locate the warm spaces.

View in Appstore

Travel Itinerary

Travel Itinerary Logo

This is an app which allows people to create an itinerary before travelling. It has features for planning the trip, making checklists of what to take and the ability to link photos.

View in Appstore

Life Dice

Life Dice Logo

This is an app, developed in Android Studio which enables the user to create a "life die". Each side can be assigned to a specific action the user can roll a die and choose to take part in the action. This was inspired by the "Dice Man" novel and I thought the idea would make introducing randomness into your life would make an interesting app.

View in Appstore


Nonogram Logo

This is puzzle game where you are given a grid of letters and the aim is to create as many word combinations as possible. Points depend on the length of the words found and whether the middle letter is included.

View in Appstore

Tarot AI

Tarot AI Logo

This is an app designed to give tarot readings using Open AI to generate a reading based on random card selection. It is the mobile app version of the React app of the same name above.

View in Appstore

Nino No Kuni Inventory

Ni No Kuni Inventory Logo

This is a very simple app which has been designed for use with the board game Ni No Kuni. It allows you to track your inventory as the tokens in the game are limited and you can easily run out so this is a solution to that problem.

View in Appstore

Scripting and Other Services

List of Scripting and Other Services

This is a list of the scripting services and other services that I offer:

  • Web Scraping - retrieving data from websites which can be aggregated, stored in a database and presented online.
  • JavaScript - vanilla JavaScript coding for a web-page or design of a utility performing a single function.
  • Python Scripting - standalone Python scripts to perform a specific function.
  • PowerShell Scripting - PowerShell scripts to perform a function in Windows / Azure.
  • Graphic Design - graphics production including vector graphics and photo image manipulation.
  • Cloud Computing - wide experience with cloud computing, please contact me with details.


Please contact me by requesting a quote.

Alternatively visit my upwork site where you can view my services and request them.